Saturday, December 3, 2011

Take only ways that are firm

Proverbs 4:26-27

"Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm. Do not swerve to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil."

箴 言 4:26-27

"要 修 平 你 腳 下 的 路 、 堅 定 你 一 切 的 道 。 不 可 偏 向 左 右 . 要 使 你 的 腳 離 開 邪 惡 。"

The path is real, but the key is whether you believe this is the path God is taking you, whether you trust Him that He is taking you somewhere for your benefit, even if you may not like it.

2011 is coming close to an end. I thank God for so many things, like I shared during my prayer meeting yesterday. The things to be thankful for is not for boasting, but to give appreciation of how great is our God.

  • I have a personal mentor coming into my life this year, and he has been always been a great source of support ever since he became my mentor. It is not easy to find a good mentor that can keep you in the loop in terms of guiding me the right path. Even though there are ups and downs, I thank God for having him in my life.
  • I have started sponsoring a child in Compassion Australia. It is a great privilege to be given a job and have a source of income for this to happen. Taking this step had not been easy, but I am glad God guided me this step so I know there are so many children out there that needs help.
  • Newtown mission inspires me to the full. I went a couple of times this year and I want to go back to it soon. Worthwhile experience and when you see people who are not as fortunate as you, you will start to thank God for His provisions.
  • Thank God that I started this blog this year. I think I can keep this blog as a reflective tool but would also hope this is for the benefit of brothers and sisters so that they can constantly be mindful of God's word!
  • And thank God for giving us a wintry morning even though it's the start of summer!

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